Can You Believe These Guys?!
Feeder here.
Listen, I match this ridiculousness with the following story:
This afternoon, in NYC, at the corner of 42nd Street & 6th Ave (outside of Bryant Park, ahead of the Starbucks / Ben & Jerry's rotunda--never thought you'd hear that phrase? wake up babes.):
Old man, white guy, grey haired, skinny, wearing a sandwich board which says: FUCK BUSH, NOT MORE HELPLESS PRISONERS!
He's screaming his catchphrase (Fuck Bush! Fuck Bush!) and passing out leaflets with the above statement emblazoned on the front, and tons of info on the back.
Now this would ordinarily be enough to brighten my day. But it gets better.
It's mid-day on a Wednseday. Everyone is running around from lunch or to meetings, appointments etc. The street is filled with conservative, mid-town suits. I'm walking up to him, standing by him, and walking past him for all of about 5 minutes and everyone I see (EVERYONE I SEE) is smiling, laughing, happy to see him. Walking up to him and taking his leaflets and *thanking him* for them.
This is New York people. Folks don't (a) take leaflets, /OR/ (b) thank people for them.
The response was outstanding. Unbelievable. Exciting. Hope-inspiring.
Now ... take that Bush / Cheney!